Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Diet Mr. Junior Pants

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love Diet Coke. Well, the strangest thing happened to me yesterday. I stopped by a convenience store on my way home to buy my usual 8-pack of Diet Cokes...but when I got home, I realized I'd mistakenly grabbed an 8-pack of Diet Mr. Junior Pants instead!
I have no idea how this happened. It's not like it was Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper or something that even looks a little bit like Diet Coke. Anyone who sees that half-boy/half-squid on the can instantly knows they're looking at a can of Mr. Junior Pants, with its distinctive squid/cherry flavor.

Anyway, it all worked out. I went back to the store and exchanged my 8-pack for Diet Coke.

Whew! I won't be doing that again in a hurry!

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